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tv   Headline News  RT  July 27, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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breaking news on r t fresh violence in egypt reportedly claims at least eighty lives now more most of them pro muslim brotherhood demonstrators who are said to have been attacked by army supporters and targeted by snipers in cairo. the syrian national coalition agrees to take part in peace talks as the group meets with the u.n. security council for the first time. and u.s. authorities break a cyber fraud scam worth hundreds of millions of dollars believed to be the largest ever they are now seeking decades in prison for the hackers.
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thanks for joining in the saturday i'm lucy captain of an of course you're watching our t.v. well we begin with our breaking news from egypt at least eighty people have been killed in overnight clashes in cairo this is according to the muslim brotherhood now most of those casualties are apparently supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsy with some reports suggesting they were deliberately targeted by gunmen unconfirmed reports i should add local media also claims that more than a thousand people were injured during what is believed to be the largest protests in egypt over the past two and a half years r.t.l. true isn't cairo. it was a very bloody night here in egypt as clashes erupted in many parts of the country and continue into saturday morning off to these nationwide why who protest vote in supports and against the old city to mohamed morsi what eyewitnesses are saying although we haven't completely reports is that protests it has attempted to extend the city and past the area that they had been staying in the last few weeks towards
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to go to the bridge at this point security forces then attempted to push them back with t. gas fields hospital doctors are reporting people have died and there are a number of injured as well and what we're seeing now is apparently eyewitnesses saying that some people have been coming in with gunshot wounds although we can't confirm where they come by a voice nice as well as people having problems with take asked inhalation but it was very chaotic with the injured coming in every five minutes and ambulances people were on the back of motorcycles bringing the wounded into the city and now this is also happened in other parts of the country they were violent clashes in the coastal city of alexandria between rival protest groups when supporters and opponents of the ousted leader met in the main running points all seen leaving people dead and this is being very very bloody civilian on civilian marshes we have of course seen massive amounts of tanks here and the military joining the police in
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attacking people saying or attacking these citizens of course this comes after the announcement on friday that mohamed morsi would be kept in detention following investigations into charges that he's been conspiring against the country with the palestinian organization hamas in addition to possibly being responsible for the deaths of the prison guards and offices when he broke out of prison during the eighteen day uprising in two thousand and eleven so this is a very serious serious allegation against the former president it could see him serve jail time this of has of course if you. the fire and anger by his opponents is of course nice islamist group that miss the brotherhood who is saying this is a very much of the to be driven charge and that this is part of it why did crackdown against the green by the minute sherry no sign is backing down many people are dying the violence is continuing leading many to feed that this will only get worse meanwhile political analysts dr are going to m.
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believes the military is trying to hide its crackdown on the opposition by calling it a war on terror. this is this is the reality of them it lets you military coup folding in front of our eyes this is the military this is the reality of the coup military you will try to force it all on edge and on the people and you will have to fight back the country is divided that's no doubt about that i'm not saying the country is united just the word terrorism is a very like political word and cc's using it is using the war in terror just to bring and his own crackdown islamist and put it in make it like sound more american war into or isn't that the same war that george w. bush started so he wants to tell his friends in the united states that i'm doing the same as you do and i'm fighting terrorism too but in fact it is not in the reason there are peaceful protesters. sitting in the streets demanding that own
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freedom and demanding that all votes be counted against a military coup this is i understand if you fight in terrorism and say now you are going to do there isn't and by the borders but do resume in the middle of this peaceful protest or that's does make and doesn't make any sense now of course we had our tea have additional footage coming in from egypt now these are the latest videos from a cairo field hospital as you can see in this film recorded allegedly by the muslim brotherhood many injured people coming in in fact casualties continuing to arrive at the hospital certainly disturbing video of course there's been a lot more disturbing pictures coming up on twitter from the violence in the clashes that have taken place in egypt from the previous evening now we can see some of them here some of those injured according to these pictures are children and claims in fact of a thirteen year old boy was killed in alexandria that there are also pictures
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showing people allegedly firing live rounds at pro protesters which we do have on our web site right here you can logon r.t. dot com to check out the timeline of the turmoil that egypt has suffered since president morsy was deposed and of course those dramatic photos and accounts that we had mentioned r.t. dot com. i am. on to syria now the syrian national coalition met with the u.n. security council and had agreed to participate in edging up a peace conference but as artist marina poured lyall reports on a number of preconditions still have to be met before the meeting could actually
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take place. the delegation representing the syrian opposition that is visiting new york promised to attend the geneva two meeting it seems as though the delegation has a lot of. before it will actually arrive that this should be able to meeting it seems as though they want to make sure that syrian president bashar al assad has no authority following the geneva two meeting and another precondition possibly that we could that was spoken about by the by the french envoy was the fact that once the transitional government is established that that transitional government would have full authority over the security of the military in syria as russian ambassador to the u.n. really underscored here is that all this talk of prevent the geneva two meeting from actually moving forward and taking place i understand everybody is going to act with the national committee with the supreme council of the kurds of syria but
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there is. an understanding has not yet been achieved among them to be jointly represented presented to. the syrian opposition would like to receive the weapons in arms and military aid that the obama administration recently promised to provide to the rebels fighting against syrian president bashar al assad many ask why would washington be shipping more weapons in. the civil war that is now we see two and a half years france's envoy to the u.n. i just spoke to the media and said that the vast majority of you would member states already recognize mr jardine as the sole representative of the syrian people legally i don't know how that can happen within the u.n. there there can't be official recognition of someone that is not a head of state or without it being processed within the united nations also with some experts are questioning is the overall legitimacy of the syrian national
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coalition critics say the group has no power and lots of work and recognition inside of syria. isn't piri an activist for the answer anti-war call action believes the syrian rebels are only willing to negotiate when they have the upper hand the united states and the united kingdom france other western nations have really made clear that they will only accept the fall of the side and despite the fact that they continually try to say that they're for peace negotiations it seems at every turn whether it's sending arms to the rebels whether it's sending them quote unquote non-lethal aid money in general supporting the gulf countries that are also supporting them that really all of the talk about peace is disingenuous and unlike russia and other countries they seem very. determined to push forward the syrian rebels as the new leadership of the country regardless of the situation on the ground when the russian the united states where originally trying to promote the geneva two conference we saw that the syrian rebels essentially said that they
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had no intention of negotiating until the situation on the ground changed that is so they gave the military upper hand so from their perspective they seem only willing to negotiate if the military situation allows them to have the upper hand in negotiations but if they seem to be losing the war if it seems that support for them inside of the country is dropping all of a sudden they have no desire to negotiate and they only want to continue to push war which is the subtext of this entire meeting where on the sidelines they have been pushing for more and more military aid from the united states and for it to come significantly quicker. chris up to tina who is an analyst for a public opinion on political strategy when each believes that u.s. involvement in syria could potentially create another iraq. there are so many factions that have so much influence with this coalition and even the assad government has brought in others outsiders if you will to sort of prop up their government that there doesn't seem to be any particular group that can claim to be in charge or one side or the other the whole situation has become balkanize the
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last thing people in america want is to get into another situation or rock which is very confusing we never really pick the side. to be on that seem to be the right side and ten years after our invasion they're so good there doesn't seem to be any kind of coalition no around a governing body that all rocky's can agree on is as far as most americans are concerned this is just another big mess well don't go away have lots more stories for you on our team coming out of washington says that it is moving towards closing that one on one play the president by sending two inmates back to algeria as we hear later on in the program their future in the country may not work out for the better also to report on how some folks in venezuela are turning to so-called self-defense groups to call the danger of staggering street crime and the police to be powerless.
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wealthy british sunny. spot on the. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with my extremes are a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on our. mission. critical. three. three. three. three. three. three blog video for your media project free media r t v dot com.
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u.s. prosecutors have charged a group of crackers with stealing more than three hundred million dollars in what's been dubbed as america's largest cyber fraud case the syndicate could now face decades behind bars as artie's andrew blake reports. we had five guys four russian nationals and one ukrainian man who over the course of around seven years were able to penetrate a number of the networks of leading financial institutions banks all sorts of systems where very important information was being stored over the course for several years those men broke into the databases allegedly took sensitive information and in the end u.s.
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prosecutors now say that those five men were able to compromise roughly one hundred sixty million credit cards causing upwards of three hundred million dollars of damage they were able to elude authorities for around seven or eight years now but actually masterminding this operation itself took a lot of very careful planning now of the five men that are believed involved in this each one kind of had a separate little niche that they would specialize in for instance were experts when it came to penetrating computer networks others were would go into these networks after they were compromised in mind for data even more would build up a very very sophisticated internet network should be able to communicate anonymously so by having different specialists in different sectors they are all able to to put the pieces together and cause millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage and affect people around the globe two of them were arrested one of them has since been extradited from the netherlands the other one is awaiting extradition and three of them are at large so once they are brought
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to the u.s. and tried at the could be looking at likely decades in prison. that was unsealed thursday this week it all stems from a previous investigation that began a few years ago and did with the conviction of an american computer hacker who is currently serving several decades behind prison for a similar crime. and while washington is trying to secure cyberspace from illegal access its appetite for private data seems to be gaining momentum and this is as the securities and exchange commission that lines up to monitor people's private email without a warrant or details on our website also there for you. you might think these people could be ready to file a complaint for being hyper sprayed but that's not exactly how it plays out it's the police officer who is now demanding compensation we can learn why and r.t. .
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to guantanamo bay detainees could soon be repatriated from the prison facility in cuba to their home country of algeria the white house says that the move is part of president obama's plan to shut down the prison and algeria has successfully managed detainees in the past almost half of the inmates at the prison are still being held behind bars despite being cleared for release dr alan singer from hofstra university in new york believes the move is an attempt by the u.s. to break the hunger strike at that detention facility in many ways detractors desperation the hunger strike has embarrassed the united states all over the world so they're trying to break dawn destroyed by pushing out a couple of people but these are people that are being detained without any legal
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justification one of the things i find chill curious is they're trying to get algeria to take to the people oh i'm sure he is not well known. process of which courts countries with established legal proceedings do not want to touch this just saying you know that statement is saying that all by love you made this mess you're stuck with it i am an expert on the other jury in prison system but i had to go to jail i think i'd much rather go to as we know denmark the traditions in general in algeria very very harsh i mean i think to look at this sent people to a of this feat i don't see this is any kind of due process of any kind of outcome i just think they're trying to to get out of something they created world orthodox church allegations are in ukraine's capital of kiev to follow the st andrew's cross a symbolic relic that had united the nations of ancient russia president putin is
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set to meet the leaders of ukraine and belarus starting the festivities artie's a regular school looks at the historical twists and turns between moscow and kiev. ukraine again seems to be facing a choice either siding with moscow with which its political cultural and economic ties go back for centuries or to turn its back on his old relations and trying to make its way towards the european union relations which in moscow and kiev haven't been exactly seamless as of late specially over the past several years of course there was the orange revolution the recent gazprom flicks yet the robberies is inside the country and say ukraine would be a much better off staying on friendly terms with russia rather than playing a back seat role for europe. ukraine is distance destroying for favorable relations with russia for thousands of reasons posted to say that every third ukrainian has close relatives living in russia and although more than half of the country prefer
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to choose a moscow friendly course the league is moving in the opposite direction afraid of dissent because the voice of the protesters isn't a new one to be. at the same time moscow wants to see its next door neighbor to play a bit of a more active role in regional cooperation for example by starting by joining the customs union of which russia of course is a. player prince a common means also highly dependent on russia with some seven hundred thousand ukrainians employed in russia on top of that there are forced cultural and religious ties he if at one point has been the center of the slavic lands and it was here that one thousand and twenty five years ago he was adopted and that it's that religion is a better fact among other things a force that keeps the countries close through all the trials and tribulations and many warn that if your crane chooses to steer away from russia hoping to find a better role or a better future within the european union it risks losing not just its independence
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and identity as a nation and time for a brief world up. date we begin in brazil where violent rallies have broken out in the city of south paulo police use tear gas and stun grenades to disperse over three hundred protesters as they ran saying to banks and torched a vehicle belonging to a local television company the rally comes amid demonstrations in rio de janeiro where people have voiced their discontent over corruption the protests follow last month's unrest when thousands have taken to the streets in anger had a crippled social system and rising transfer fees. the fate of whistleblower bradley manning is about to be decided as a seven weeks long trial comes to an end a military judge is due to rule on the charges after closing arguments were heard now manning has already admitted to ten of the twenty two crimes he's accused of but not the most serious one the charge of aiding the enemy the former private faces life in prison for what is considered to be the largest ever leak of secret
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u.s. government documents. at least one person has been killed turned violent rallies in tunisia following the assassination of a prominent leftist politician the opposition leader was shot dead in front of his home by two unknown men officials have meanwhile blamed al-qaeda linked extremists for the attack at the assassination has triggered mass protests across the country . thousands of soldiers and dozens of tanks and rocket launchers have paraded through play on the yangs main square this to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the korean war the country's leader in young women witnessed the show from a podium as troops saluted him while passing by military parades are sometimes used to underline the military power of north korea with tension remaining high what its southern neighbor. venezuela may be seen as a safe haven for u.s. whistleblower on the run at work snowden but for many of its citizens the country is far from safe with street crime and robberies reaching record highs some
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residents are forming armed self-defense groups to protect themselves artists are still young has the story. election campaign may be based on the lead this is the legacy but if there's one the major issue going as well as a new president can be credited for bringing to the forefront it's the country's lack of security you can be abducted even from your own home there's no safety in our country government figures show more than sixteen thousand people were killed in venezuela and twenty twelve an increase of fourteen percent from the year before and a murder rate of fifty five point two per hundred thousand inhabitants one of the highest in the world making the high crime rate public enemy number one. they're wrong and beats us my father was killed near his home four years ago. entered or collectives organizations that initially emerged as left as revolutionary groups driven by ideology determined to confront
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a society's ills today they're known either as protectors of the community or violent vigilante groups depending on whom you ask we need to get is also known as now a senior member of the evil. for some time ago american imperialism that had infiltrated latin america in venezuela in particular cause massive spread of drugs across our territory we have to combat this disease that's when the movement of our own kid even protests and narrow started we also start of a model of urban groups that fight drug trafficking and violence we clean up the streets. so we're here at the us and there are a lot of shanty towns here and it's very rural who go chavez and also pro but it's also home to a very strong leftist activism and people here tell me that they don't welcome the police they don't want to see him here because they say that the police here are corrupt instead they have groups armed groups called the collective us who maintain
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security in this area may. be going after drug traffickers but it's widely believed that at times they also resort to lethal means some locals say however that there's no alternative for now police corruption has been so rampant that in two thousand and nine the government even admitted that twenty percent of crimes were committed by crooked cops but the quality was self proclaimed role as protector may be challenged as nicolas maduro pushes his secure fatherland plan deploying some three thousand troops into the streets of caracas let's take the example of the quality was they might help the government one day and then they might become all allied with local mafias on the next day mr nikola motherhood of the new president and with chavez out of the scene is certainly going to have much greater difficulty in bringing them under the sway of government policies and government orders he's definitely getting into very very difficult waters there because if he sends at
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least forces trying to control them that will definitely create scenes of violence of those scenes of violence can turn very ugly and none of those in the hot seat having pledged to make tackling climate a personal priority a promise will be held to him by a politically divided population united by a desperate desire for peace of mind to us are cilia r.t. kodak us. i'll be back with more news in about thirty minutes but do stay with us kaiser reporters are up next on our team.
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boy boy oh. there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there from mysterious extra planets drip killian creatures living among us but there also may conspiracy theories that are very plausible and some that are well actually true one that i've heard for a long time is that they are specifically trying to fill the police with dimwits to abuse the american people which is silly right right according to a.b.c. news a discrimination lawsuit revealed that robert jordan was denied the chance to become a new london police officer because he was too smart his entrance exam score was a thirty three which is an i.q. of one hundred twenty five and it was just too high to allow him to defend the public good that police department only accepts candidates who have scores from twenty to twenty seven the logic is that people who are too smart get bored as policemen and they're more likely to quit after years of costly training. yeah this is proof of a conspiracy theory well the lowest score they accept is still around an average
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i.q. so that doesn't mean they're specifically trying to fill the place with subpar people but it does seem really weird to fear people with high i.q.'s entering the police force this case to have a confirms nor denies the conspiracy theory but is definitely food for thought and does it kind of not make sense to discriminate against anyone ever for having a high i.q. i don't know but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser the u.k.'s business secretary vince cable as compare the bank of england to the taliban and to the hottest vince made this comparison not because of their reckless quantitative easing nor because of their
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overlooking bank fraud and infinite retired profit cation that is to say because they are indeed terrorists now vince cable saying that the bank of england are jihadi he's for insisting banks have minimum capital reserves vince. old boy as i've said for years the bank of england are indeed like the taliban but only because they provided the safe haven for the jihadi of banking fraud who strapped on the debt packed suicide vests and blew up the entire frickin economy. and that same taliban central bank is now papering over the bloody aftermath with little pieces of digital paper that explain more we turn to stacey or when max first of all i did look at jihad and i'm sure the n.s.a. knows i looked it up on google and the definition provided by google was that it's
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a war of struggle against unbelievers so this is important for the rest of the episode this notion of unbelievers which i think we should return for the west as disbelievers nobody believes their lies and fraud anymore vince cable calls bank of england capital taliban vince cable has stirred tensions within the bank of england by apparently comparing policy makers to the taliban over restrictions imposed upon banks well first of all let me say something which is that i coined the term financial terrorists and now here comes vince cable glomming onto my toy atic characterization of the bank of england and all the banks and the u.k. as financial terrorists by creating this term of capital g. hottest but of course he's misapplying about term the banks of course they would need capital reserves.


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